3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students received an Opt Out Letter on 2/7/25 regarding the 2024-2025 Georgia School Climate Survey. If you do NOT wish for your child to participate in the survey, you may opt out by signing and returning this letter to EES by 2/21/25. Please contact the school if you need another copy or would like to examine the survey. Thank you!
Los estudiantes de 3, 4 y 5 grado recibieron una carta de exclusión voluntaria el 7/2/25 con respecto a la Encuesta sobre el clima escolar de Georgia 2024-2025. Si NO desea que su hijo participe en la encuesta, puede optar por no participar firmando y devolviendo esta carta a EES antes del 21/02/25. Comuníquese con la escuela si necesita otra copia o si desea examinar la encuesta. ¡Gracias!
Parents/Guardians - Click here to access more information on how you can support your child as he/she prepares for Georgia Milestones. The Georgia Milestones test is taken by EES students in grades 3-5. Students in 3rd and 4th grade will take an End of Grade Assessment in both English Language Arts and Math. Students in 5th grade will take an End of Grade Assessment in English Language Arts, Math, and Science.